Colon Cleanse

This, for us is an exciting new product, which covers both the Weight Loss and Personal Health arenas.

Premier Choices Colon Cleanse is a very powerful aid to a healthy lifestyle. It not only provides almost instant weight loss but is much more important to your long-term health.

Our Colon Cleanse is manufactured with a powerful cleansing formula, which effectively help the body to eliminate excess waste. Thus clearing the colon and allowing fresh nutrients from your food to be metabolised soon after eating. It is believed that the quicker food passes through your system, the better your general health and well being. For most this should be around the 24 hours mark.

Cleansing is not rushed, you can still go about your day as normal, while the capsules do their work.

We currently sell this product both in the UK and France. Below we have included both labels for your convenience.

UK Colon Cleanse Label

French Colon Cleanse Label